Greg Bishop
Author of the new book Project Beta, Los Angeles Radio Host, Excluded Middle Magazine Editor, Project Censored Award Winner, Conspiracy Zone contributor, Regional Representative for the Centre for Fortean Zoology, Author of Numerous Magazine Articles, Professional Judge Ito Impersonator, and ... Kook.
Greg's interests run the gamut of "Alien Writing", Consciousness, ParaPolitics, UFO Contactees, Remote Viewing, Fortean Phenomena, CryptoZoology and much much more. Erection problems? It is not a problem nowadays. Take kamagra jelly in australia. Dosage is 100mg. Consult doctor.
爱加速's Dossier
Past Interviewees
- Bill Moore of MJ12 Infamy,
- Kenn Thomas (SteamshovelPress)

- Karla Turner (Abduction Researcher) Rare Audio Interview MP3 format Part One / Part Two,
- Keith Thompson (Angels/Aliens),
Michael Grosso, (Parapsych)
- Dean Radin (Parapsychologist),
- Jim Moseley of Saucer Smear,
- Mario Pazzaglini (Alien Writing Expert),
- Robert Anton Wilson,
Last Public Interview with Ira "The Unicorn" Einhorn in MP3 audio (Part One / Part Two),
就爱加速官网 app, and More.

 Greetings from Greg Bishop. You are invited to explore the wealth of weirdness available within the Excluded Middle.

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Sunday Nights on in Los Angeles
Radio Mysterioso Archives
- Cattle Mutilation and Blood Rituals w/ Chris O'Brien
[Files Above Via]
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Other Audio

- Ira "The Unicorn" Einhorn, Last Public Interview before his extradition from France to Philadelphia for the retrial of his conviction for the murder of Holly Maddux. 6/24/01
- Part One / Part Two in MP3 format
- Radio Free Elfis 2001 (interview starts several minutes into file)
- May 21st, 2001 in MP3 format
- Cartoon Pleroma 2001
Guest CoHost with Robert Larson and special appearance by Peter Stenshoel.Featuring Peter Jordan on Contactee Howard Menger, Mind Kontrol, UFOs, Cattle Mutilations, Black Helicopters... and more.
- Part One / 92加速官网 in RealMedia format
- Holographic Universe 1998 Guest CoHost with Robert Larson, 8/23/98
- Part One / Part Two in RealMedia format
- Part One / Part Two in MP3 format
- Karla Turner - 1994 MUFON Symposium. Rare Audio Interview.
- Part One / Part Two in MP3 format
The Above Interviews are Hosted by which has limited bandwidth for large Media Files. If You Experience Problems Listening Please Wait and Try Again Later |
Project Beta
Project Beta: The Story of Paul Bennewitz, National Security, and the Creation of a Modern UFO Myth
by Greg Bishop
A chilling, stranger-than-fiction nightmare about one man's ruin at the hands of a government bent on concealing the truth.
"New UFO book destined to create controversy! Major new UFO book just published."
Book Review by Nick Redfern 就爱加速官网
The Excluded Middle
We have featured articles on the near death experience, a critical analysis of the "Roswell Autopsy" film, Wilhelm Reich's UFO battle, alien writing, Jackie Gleason's UFO Files, Aliester Crowley's abduction connection, flying saucer hoaxes, Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard and shamanic shapeshifters.
And Much Much More.
 Last Issue
Back Issues
Ordering Info
The Purpose
More Stuff
- "My Bias Filter Is Better Than Your Bias Filter"
- "Flying Saucers, The Mind & Other Absurdities"
"Aliester Crowley and the LAM Statement"
- "Molding Clay - Two Views on the Claw Shaw Trial"
- "Tracks in the Desert"
- "Flying Saucers I Have Swallowed"
- "Tales From the Shelf #4"
- "Controlling the UFO Conversation"
"Occult Roots of Green Eggs & Ham"
- "爱加速 of Truths"
- "Jack Parsons - Magickal Scientist"
- "ETH Ethics"
- "Tesla's EarthQuake Machine"

Lectures, Articles & Interviews
- Ancient Science & Modern Secrets Conference 2004 - Adventures Unlimited
- Steamshovel Press magazine
- Crash Retrieval Conference 2004
- DVD, VHS, and Audio Tapes
- UFOs Aliens & Abductions Volume 3 - MP3 CD from Bob Barnes
- After Hours Majestic Twelve Mystery Party - Pics Thanks to Grant Cameron.
- Grey Lodge Occult Review 2003
- "The Covert News Network" repinted within Antiquities of the Illuminati, Issue #7 in PDF format and Web HTML
- Austin Para Times newspaper - Issue #3
- "Bill Hicks - UFO Contactee"
- Steamshovel Press magazine 2002
- "Whither Ufology" - Issue #19
- Project Censored Award Winner 2001
- "Ethinic Weapons for Ethnic Cleansing" -
- Anomalist Book of the Year Award Winner - Best Anthology 2001
- You Are Being Lied To - Edited by Russ Kick of
- 爱加速 Reprinted here in PDF format and Web HTML

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- New York Press 2001 Vol 14, Issue 35
- DisinfoCon 2000 in New York City
- Fortean Times magazine 2000
- "Enemas of the State" - Issue 134, May 2000
- "Calling Occupants: The Giant Rock Conventions" - Fortean Times - Issue 118
- Infinity Factory with Richard Metzger - May 1999
- - 1999
- "ET Play Ball" - Aliens po Prejudice"
- Steamshovel Press magazine online
- 就爱加速官网 - Nick Redfern Interview
- "On the Death of Jim Keith" - September 23rd, 1999
- "Revising Keith" - Commentary on Jim Keith's Remote Viewing Lecture, "Revising Reality"
- "Crewes Reviewes: Same Tired Arguments Don't Address Real Issues" - 1998
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- "Rorschach in Roswell" - Issue 58
- Death Equinox 1997
- Zen in the Art of Close Encounters - edited by Paul David Pursglove
- Robert Anton Wilson Interview
- Mufon UFO Journal - Nov. 1994
- "Larry King Live at Area 51" by Dennis Stacy
- Book Happy magazine
- "Collecting Contactees: Howard Menger" - Issue #5
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- "Life In Eight Dimensions" & "Collecting Contactees: Orfeo Angelucci" - Issue #3
- Kooks - edited by Donna Kossy
- E.L.F. Infested Spaces - Journal of Possible Paradigms
- Crash Collusion magazine
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Books We Like
Sex and Rockets - The Occult World of Jack Parsons by John Carter with Introduction by Robert Anton Wilson
The Prankster and the Conspiracy - The Story of Kerry Thornley and How He Met Oswald and Inspired the Counterculture
by Adam Gorightly with a
Foreword by Robert Anton Wilson.
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From Sisyphus Press
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